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Exam Preview

Ethics of Interpreter Mediated Psychotherapy in Gender Affirming Care

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1.  Please select the closest definition of gender-affirming care (GAC) that is discussed in this training.
  1. an evidence-based modality exclusively directed at offering surgical procedures for people who are gender non-conforming
  2. an aspirational term referring to a set of practices, values, and beliefs upheld and delivered by service providers that aim to be in the service of inclusivity, equity, and accessibility for trans- and gender non-conforming (TGNC) people, both those in services, and those in the community who do not necessarily have access to services
  3. any type of psychotherapy that is conducted in English and interpreted by a qualified third party into the primary or preferred language of the individual receiving services
  4. any types of psychotherapy that are conducted by a therapist who is a member of the TGNC community themself
2.  What is the difference between interpretation and translation?
  1. Interpretation is the conversion of written word between two or more languages. Translation is the bidirectional conversion of spoken words between two or more languages.
  2. Interpretation is the therapeutic intervention of highlighting additional meaning in order to enhance insight when making a reflection. Translation is paraphrasing a client’s words when reflecting them back to them without adding additional meaning.
  3. Interpretation is the bidirectional conversion of spoken words between two or more languages. Translation refers to the conversion of written word between two or more languages.
  4. Interpretation is the paraphrasing of a client’s words when reflecting them back to them without adding additional meaning. Translation is the therapeutic intervention of highlighting additional meaning in order to enhance insight when making a reflection.
3.  Which aspirational principle from the American Psychological Association’s (APA) ethics code instructs psychologists to “consult with, refer to, or cooperate with other professionals and institutions to the extent needed to serve the best interests of those with whom they work,” directly highlighting the necessity for psychologists to proactively collaborate with their interpreters when providing interpreter-mediated psychotherapy to TGNC individuals?
  1. Fidelity and Responsibility
  2. Beneficence and Nonmaleficence
  3. Integrity
  4. Justice
4.  Please select the answer that indicates which of the following statements are true:

1. There are no federally recognized standards of care for therapists conducting IMP in the United States.
2. The United States standards of care (SOC) for mental health providers conducting interpreter-mediated psychotherapy (IMP) were inspired by the Australian and French SOC.
3. The World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) has developed clear SOC for IMP with TGNB individuals.
4. The WPATH SOC Version 8 implores providers to “apply the recommendations in ways that meet the needs of local transgender and gender diverse communities, by providing culturally sensitive care that recognizes the realities of the countries they are practicing in.”
  1. 1 only
  2. 2 and 3
  3. 1 and 4
  4. 2, 3 and 4
5.  Hall’s influential context theory (1976) is given as an example of a theoretical framework to better understand ____.
  1. immigration evaluations with TGD people
  2. interpreter competency in working with TGD people
  3. acculturation pressures for TGD people
  4. linguistic considerations for working with TGD people
6.  What ethical standards should trainers recommend clinicians ensure their interpreters adhere to for medical literacy?
  1. World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) Standards of Care
  2. National Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice of the National Council on Interpreting in Health Care.
  3. APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct
  4. Asian Pacific Transgender Network’s Blueprint for the Provision of Comprehensive Care For Trans People
7.  What theoretical approach and type of therapy does the trainer recommend for future research and clinical application for conducting IMP with TGD people with LEP in order to promote the co-creation of language and shared metaphor?
  1. behaviorism; Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
  2. relational frame theory; Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
  3. self-psychology; psychodynamic
  4. liberation psychology; feminist relational approach
8.  What does the trainer recommend that organizations do to ensure interpreters are competent in providing gender-affirming interpreter-mediated psychotherapy?
  1. rotate interpreters throughout the course of care to determine the best fit
  2. empower the therapist to handle the screening and training of the interpreter who is assigned to provide GAC
  3. trust in the collaborative process that the interpreter will develop competency through on-the-job experience
  4. create evidence-based summaries and trainings for frequently-assigned interpreters to reference during appointments with TGD individuals
9.  Please select the answer that identifies all of the following statements that are true:

1. Minority stress impacts a multitude of public health outcomes.
2. Being transgender is associated with comparable levels of adverse outcomes to folx with other identities in the LGBTQIA+ community.
3. Being transgender is associated with higher levels of adverse outcomes as compared to other GSM folx.
4. Transgender asylees consistently experience much better healthcare access in the United States as compared to their countries of origin.
  1. 1 only
  2. 1 and 3
  3. 2 and 4
  4. 1, 2 and 4
10.  What does the trainer recommend that mental health providers do to ensure that they are working collaboratively with their interpreters for GAC?
  1. defer to the interpreter’s knowledge as a cultural broker for TGD people
  2. brief the interpreter before every session and debrief every 4 sessions
  3. elicit the interpreter’s knowledge of cultural and linguistic aspects of gender during briefs and debriefs, ideally before and after every session, as well as before ever having a client-facing meeting
  4. assume positive intent of the interpreter when stigmatizing language is interpreted in session and honor the interpreter’s autonomy to choose how they conduct their job
11.  What are some useful strategies the mental health provider can employ if they are assigned an interpreter who is demonstrating biases about TGD identities?
  1. requesting reassignment
  2. informal resolution of conflict
  3. reporting the behavior immediately to the interpreter’s supervisor
  4. A and B
12.  When does the trainer suggest that a code word or phrase be used by a person in services to signal the therapist that something harmful is taking place?
  1. If the person in services has already identified an interpreter that they feel safe with and they are planning for safeguards if they have to work with a different interpreter in the future who has not yet been screened by the therapist or client.
  2. If the person in services has some English proficiency and you feel confident that they can understand the concept of a safe word enough without an interpreter present.
  3. If you are discussing with the client how to signal that another individual has entered the room and there is no longer privacy.
  4. If you are encouraging the client to have a direct line to the interpreter about something that you do not want the client to feel obligated to tell you, as the therapist.
13.  After this training, how important would you say it is to ensure that the interpreter has competence in providing interpretation in gender-affirming psychotherapy settings?
  1. Most medical terminology trainings adequately prepare interpreters for conducting interpretation in all mental health related-situations.
  2. Interpreters are trained to say exactly what the provider is saying, so there is no need to assess their competence. That is overstepping your role and micromanagement.
  3. As long as interpreters are competent with gender-affirming language, they are adequately prepared for interpreting in mental health settings with TGNC people in general.
  4. Medical literacy is not a stand-in for competence with mental health interpretation. Ideally, the interpreter has completed training for mental health interpretation and has at least minimal competency in gender-affirming language.
14.  Why does the research indicate that it is so important to provide clear informed consent and disclosures about confidentiality to TGD people with LEP?
  1. This is actually not supported by the research. TGD people with LEP are, on average, just as indifferent to the paperwork process as a client with any other identities.
  2. Paranoia and hypervigilance occur at a higher base rate amongst this population as a result of complex trauma and immigration experiences.
  3. People with these identities may be particularly fearful of deportation or may have come from places with severe anti-trans legislation where speaking openly could be incredibly dangerous.
  4. People with LEP are more likely to misunderstand informed consent and mandatory disclosures, especially if they are TGD people.
15.  What are some policies organizations can implement to value the time, competency, and well-being of their workers conducting IMP for TGD individuals? Please select all of the items below that are correct.

1. Create an in-house interpretation team with required continuing education as gender-affirming language is constantly evolving
2. Delegate consultation with interpreters to an administrative team who is already handling the scheduling
3. Create built-in protected time for providers to prepare and debrief with interpreters
4. Encourage the use of informal interpreters such as family members in order to promote comfort and familiarity with the IMP process. 5. Provide equitable resources for interpreters to protect against vicarious trauma and burnout
  1. 1 and 3 only
  2. 1, 3, 4 and 5
  3. 1, 3 and 5
  4. all of the above

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