Exam Preview
Exam Preview
Developmental Trauma: Strategies for Intervention
Please note: exam questions are subject to change.
1. The _________________ is responsible for mediating a child’s core regulatory functions such as heartrate and respiratory functions
2. This region of the brain is mostly responsible for emotional regulation.
3. This region of the brain is the crowning achievement of our brain’s architecture and is responsible for speech, planning, decision making and executive functions.
4. The greatest source of pleasure for most children comes from ______________.
5. 5.Johnny is 7 years old and over the summer between 1st and 2nd grade he experienced an acute trauma. His second grade teacher reports that his handwriting and academic work are far behind where they were when he was in 1st grade. His mother reports that he is wetting the bed and asking to sleep with a sippy cup at night, both things that he hasn’t done in years. These are likely examples of ____________________.
6. Johnny experienced frequent trauma in early childhood. His caretakers and teacher report that he is often hyperactive, hypervigilant, aggressive, and impulsive. Johnny likely has a __________________ adaptation to his trauma.
7. Jenny is 14 years-old and experienced frequent trauma in early childhood. Her caretakers and teachers report that she often spaces out, dissociates, and, when really overwhelmed, will self-harm. Jenny likely has a _____________ adaptation to her trauma.
8. Tina is 16 years-old and experienced frequent trauma in early childhood. Her caretakers and teachers report that she often engages in behaviors that are rooted in people pleasing, imposterism, perfectionism, and carrying all of the emotional labor. Tina likely has a _____________ adaptation to her trauma.
9. A developmentally and trauma-informed approach to intervention suggests that intervention should be based upon a child’s ___________ age instead of intervening based upon their __________ age.
10. 10.When intervening, it is important to match the intervention with the level of ___________________.