Exam Preview
Exam Preview
Biology of Personality
Please note: exam questions are subject to change.
1. What is the ultimate goal in psychology?
2. Personality refers to consistency across:
3. What is the heritability index range?
4. What proportion of variance in personality traits is generally attributed to genetics?
5. Which neurotransmitter system is involved in behavioral functions?
6. The diathesis-stress model explains the interaction between:
7. Which type of genotype is highly sensitive to their environment, especially to the quality of parenting they receive?
8. Which personality trait is associated with a tendency to experience negative emotions?
9. Which personality trait is associated with a desire for dominance?
10. Introverts are more likely to:
11. Extraverts are restored by:
12. What does ARAS stand for?
13. What is the function of the ARAS?
14. What is the method used to measure electrical activity in the brain?
15. Introverts and extraverts seek different levels of stimulation to achieve: