Continued Respiratory Therapy Phone: 866-382-0799

Exam Preview

What’s Trending in Airway Management

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1.  Which of the following are true regarding conventional palpation of cricothyroid membrane?
  1. Relies on palpation of the thyroid prominence (Adam’s apple) and the gap between the lower thyroid cartilage and the cricoid ring. 
  2. Works well in thin males but not when significant neck fat and musculature present.
  3. In women, the thyroid lamina is smaller and has a shallower angle, less prominent.
  4. All of the above
2.  Which of the following are true about the Vortex Approach?
  1. It is a single, consistent, low content predominantly graphic prompt for use during an airway crisis
  2. It supports teamwork, decision making, and situational awareness in highly stressed individuals in real time
  3. It addresses factors recognized to impair implementation of airway management
  4. All of the above
3.  The benefits of high flow nasal cannula include:
  1. Maintenance of a constant FiO2
  2. Decreased work of breathing
  3. Improved mucociliary clearance
  4. All of the above
4.  Nasal ventilation potentially decreases airway obstruction by:
  1. Lifting the soft palate and tongue off retropharyngeal wall (pneumatic stent)
  2. Creating an easy seal
  3. Lowering the peak airway pressure
  4. All of the above
5.  Which of the following are true about NO DESAT (Nasal Oxygenation During Efforts Securing A Tube)?
  1. Increases apnea time by 2-5 min
  2. No ventilation or CO2 clearance
  3. Low flow 5-15 LPM
  4. All of the above

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