Continued Respiratory Therapy Phone: 866-382-0799

Exam Preview

Getting Our Mojo Back: Reframing the Way We Recruit and Retain

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1.  One of the most important stages in the recruitment of an employee is:
  1. Affiliation
  2. Assimilation
  3. Socialization
  4. Attraction
2.  The Respiratory Care job outlook is projected to increase to what percentage in the next 10 years?
  1. 5%
  2. 21%
  3. 10%
  4. 14%
3.  There are multiple problems associated with difficulty meeting the demands of healthcare industry needs, including:
  1. Marketing, low supply, low enrollment, competitive market
  2. Marketing, high supply, high enrollment, competitive market
  3. Marketing, high supply, low enrollment, competitive market
  4. Marketing, low supply, high enrollment, competitive markets
4.  Retention can be improved by doing which of the following?
  1. Not giving new opportunities
  2. Increasing turnover
  3. Investing in your staff
  4. Ignoring the problem
5.  The demands for respiratory therapy are increasing. New areas demanding our expertise include:
  1. Physician's office
  2. The cafeteria
  3. The pharmacy
  4. Audiologist office

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