Continued Respiratory Therapy Phone: 866-382-0799

Exam Preview

Wheelchair Positioning to Optimize Respiration

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1.  How does lordosis affect respiration?
  1. Optimizes respiration in standing position by opening anterior chest wall
  2. Facilitates spinal rotation
  3. Reduces pelvic tilt
  4. Improves neutral alignment of the neck
2.  Various pathologies directly impacting the respiratory system function include:
  1. Paralysis
  2. Muscle weakness
  3. Spinal curvature
  4. All of the above
3.  Neck muscle weakness and respiration results in decreased:
  1. Maximal inspiratory and expiratory pressures
  2. Inspiratory pressures only
  3. Expiratory pressures only
  4. Forced vital capacity
4.  Special considerations for tracheostomies and ventilators include:
  1. Neck must be rotated to left side to provide adequate space
  2. Neck must be positioned in slight hyperextension to provide adequate space
  3. Neck must be reclined to less than 30 degrees to provide adequate space
  4. Neck must be positioned in lateral tilt to provide adequate space
5.  Which of the following is the result of circumferential support on respiration?
  1. Decrease in forced vital capacity
  2. Decrease in forced expiratory volumes
  3. Can support a weak diaphragm
  4. All of the above

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