Continued Respiratory Therapy Phone: 866-382-0799

Exam Preview

Pulmonary Function Testing (PFT) Interpretation and Cases Studies

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1.  A pulmonary function test may help identify/determine which of the following?
  1. Early identification of abnormalities in the respiratory system
  2. Determine the severity of a patient's impaired lung function
  3. Determine airway obstruction and restriction in the lung
  4. All of the above
2.  What is a forced vital capacity (FVC) test?
  1. Test used to measure the normal expiratory flow
  2. Test used to determine the inhalation volume
  3. Test used to measure the total flow within 2 seconds
  4. Test used to determine the time at which the lung changes volume during extreme pulmonary function testing procedures
3.  A volume decrease within the following measurements may indicate a restrictive disorder:
  1. RV, TLC, FRC
  2. FEV1, FEF25, FEF200
  3. DLCO, RV, FEV1
  4. FVC, FEV25, FEV1
4.  What is the normal predicted range for FEV1?
  1. 80-120%
  2. 75-100%
  3. 15-85%
  4. 0-10%
5.  If an obstructive process is present, PFT results will show a decrease in the FEV1/FVC ratio and:
  1. FVC
  2. FEV1
  3. TLC
  4. RV

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