Continued Respiratory Therapy Phone: 866-382-0799

Exam Preview

Neonatal Congenital Disorders: Structural, Neurological, and Gastrointestinal Defects

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1.  Many birth defects most commonly occur during which trimester?
  1. First
  2. Second
  3. Third
  4. Fourth
2.  The following is an example of a "severe'" Pierre Robin Syndrome (Sequence) treatment:
  1. Sleeping in prone and allowing tongue to fall forward
  2. Use of CPAP via endotracheal tube
  3. Tracheostomy to bypass the defect
  4. Mandibular distraction
3.  A myelomeningocele can occur at any point along the spine but is most commonly found in which area?
  1. Cervical-thoracic
  2. Thoracic-lumbar
  3. Lumbar-sacral
  4. Coccyx
4.  An infant with stenosis in the duodenum may demonstrate which of the following symptoms?
  1. Respiratory issues related to aspiration
  2. Lack of meconium
  3. Projective emesis
  4. All of the above
5.  Which of the following describes the formation of a volvulus?
  1. It is the twisting of the intestine caused by malrotation
  2. An abnormal twisting of the intestine during embryotic stage
  3. It is the telescoping of bowel upon itself
  4. The development of scar tissue that interferes with digestion

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