Continued Respiratory Therapy Phone: 866-382-0799

Exam Preview

Creating a Culture of Safety: A Review of Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goals

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1.  All of the following are part of the "10 Rights", except:
  1. Right Nurse
  2. Right Dose
  3. Right Medication
  4. Right Time
2.  Which one of the following is a way for therapy to manage errors?
  1. Communication
  2. Evidence-based practice
  3. EMR for documentation and orders
  4. All of the above
3.  According to the Joint Commission, a sentinel event is defined as:
  1. Any error in system design, faulty installation or maintenance of equipment, or ineffective organizational infrastructure
  2. Any unexpected occurrence involving death or serious physical or psychological injury
  3. A risk-reduction meeting to come up with a corrective action plan
  4. Any error that could have caused harm but didn’t because someone intervened
4.  Which of these is NOT a patient identifier option?
  1. Ask the person the yes/no question, "Are you the patient I need to treat?"
  2. Ask the patient to state their entire name
  3. Medical record photo and ID#
  4. Confirm with regular nursing caregiver
5.  Which of these are best practice guidelines for addressing the risk of suicide?
  1. Follow written policies and procedures addressing the care of patients identified as at risk for suicide
  2. Screen all patients for suicidal ideation who are being evaluated or treated for behavioral health conditions as their primary reason for care using a validated screening tool
  3. Document plan to mitigate the risk of suicide for patients at high risk for suicide
  4. All of the above

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