How does narcissistic abuse impact children?
Narcissistic abuse is similar to how any other sort of abuse can impact children. Narcissistic abuse can really make children feel insecure and have low self-esteem. You also may see acting out behaviors.
The impact of narcissistic abuse is also dependent on the child’s supports. If the child has access to grandparents, friends, aunts, uncles that may be able to balance out the abusive behavior that they are getting from their parents, the impact of the abuse may be lessened.
Although, these are children are children who really have to walk on eggshells around their parents. They oftentimes are really, really desiring approval because narcissists make it so that they are moving the goal post for what they want. So the child learns that I have to do more, I have to do more to make mom or dad or whoever happy. This can cause them to develop people pleasing behaviors, codependency, and poor relational boundaries.
This Ask the Expert is an edited excerpt from the webinar, Understand and Treating Trauma Caused by Narcissistic Abuse, presented by Tiffany Hall, MS, LMFT