How should client records be stored?
This storing of client records and/or social work documentation is really important. If you are keeping paper records, those records need to be behind two locks. Please note that this may vary from state to state, although, in Colorado client records must be stored behind two locks. For example, my paper records are stored in a locked filing cabinet and then my office door locks, and the front door of the facility/office building locks as well. So, there are multiple locks in place, although it only needs to be stored behind two locks.
As far as electronic documentation/records you will want to make sure that the records are encrypted in some way. For example, the electronic health record system that I use for my client records is encrypted, and I back up that data in case something ever happens. The back-up data is encrypted on an external hard drive that I also keep locked up.
This Ask the Expert is an edited excerpt from the webinar, Documentation in Social Work for Private Practitioners, presented by Gabrielle Juliano-Villani, MSW, LCSW