CE/CEU Offered
Application of Kentucky Social Work Code of Ethics to Practice
On Demand:
Course Type: Video
CE/CEU Offered: AK/3.0; AL/3.0; AR/3.0; ASWB ACE/3.0 Ethics; AZ/3.0; CA (CAADE)/3.0; CA (CADTP)/3.0; CA (CCAPP-EI)/3.0; CA/3.0; CE Broker/3.0 Ethics, CE Broker #20-1289804; CO/3.0; CT (CCB)/3.0; CT/3.0; DC/3.0; DE/3.0; FL/3.0; GA (ADACBGA)/3.0; GA/3.0; HI/3.0; IA/3.0; IACET/0.3; ID/3.0; IL/3.0; IN/3.0; KBSW/3.0; KS/3.0; KY/3.0; LA/3.0; MA/3.0; MD/3.0; ME/3.0; MI/3.0; MN/3.0; MO/3.0; MS/3.0; MT/3.0; NAADAC/3.0 Legal Ethical And Professional Development; NC/3.0; ND/3.0; NE/3.0; NH/3.0; NJ/3.0; NM/3.0; NV/3.0; NY-Contact Hours/3.0 Self-Study; OH/3.0; OK (OBLADC)/3.0; OK/3.0; OR/3.0; PA/3.0; RI/3.0; SC/3.0; SD/3.0; TN/3.0; TX/3.0; UT/3.0; VA/3.0; VT/3.0; WA/3.0; WI/3.0; WV/3.0; WY/3.0