Continued Social Work Phone: 866-419-0818

CE Courses for Social Workers Search: 'children'


42 courses found

State Approval Information for New York

  • LLC is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Boards for Social Work, Mental Health Practitioners, and Psychology as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers (#SW-0617), licensed mental health counselors (#MHC-0296), licensed psychoanalysts (#P-0067), licensed marriage and family therapists (#MFT-0127), licensed creative arts therapists (#CAT-0119), and licensed psychologists (#PSY-0228).
  • Social workers are required to complete 3 hours of coursework in appropriate professional boundaries in each 3-year registration period. Continued Social Work offers courses that may meet this requirement.
  • For all other professionals, please check with your state board for current requirements.
View New York Requirements
Understanding Special Education and Areas of Eligibility to Better Support Children and Families in a Clinical Setting
Presented by Christina Marsack-Topolewski, PhD, MSW, LMSW
Course: #2222Level: Intermediate1.02 Hours
Behavioral health clinicians often provide services and support to children and adolescents with disabilities and their families. This course focuses on understanding Special Education areas of eligibility, emphasizing understanding and helping families navigate school-based services and supports. In addition, considerations and implications for practice are explored.

Play and Educational Readiness: How Supporting Play in Children Can Promote Educational Readiness in Young Children
Presented by Katie Fries, MSW, LCSW
Course: #2311Level: Intermediate1.03 Hours
Clients who are parents often express concerns about how to help their child be prepared to enter Kindergarten. This is often done by focusing on teaching children how to read or count. This course explores why and how allowing children to engage in play, especially child-centered play, is a critical component of fostering educational readiness in children. This course will also teach participants how to teach basic filial play therapy skills to parents/caregivers to promote therapeutic play between parents and children.

Talking to Kids About Sex: Trauma-Informed, Inclusive, and Ethical Sex Education for Youth
Presented by Giselle Levin, PsyD
Course: #2308Level: Intermediate2.02 Hours
This intermediate course provides therapists with foundational knowledge and skills for opening up conversations about sex with children and adolescents. The course outlines sexual development in children and adolescents, discusses fundamentals of effective sex education with youth, and describes methods for ensuring that sex education is both trauma-informed and LGBT-inclusive. Ethical considerations and guidelines for clinical practice are discussed.

Clinical Interventions with Children in Divorce/Separation Scenarios
Presented by Karalynn Royster, PsyD
Course: #2292Level: Intermediate2 Hours
This course equips behavioral health clinicians with tools and strategies to effectively support children coping with the challenges of parental divorce or separation. Recognizing the profound impact divorce can have on children's emotional well-being, the course integrates evidence-based interventions with practical insights for clinicians to foster resilience and facilitate healthy adjustment.

Parent-Child Relationship Assessments: A Review of Ethical Considerations and Assessment Tool Selection
Presented by Karalynn Royster, PsyD
Course: #2189Level: Introductory2.03 Hours
This course supports participants' knowledge in familiarizing and ascertaining practical skills to conduct parent-child relationship evaluations and screening using a blend of informal and formal assessment tools. This knowledge will further empower participants to contribute effectively to the well-being of children, facilitate treatment planning using the dynamics of parent-child relationships, and review ethical considerations for assessing this population. This course focuses on early and middle childhood.

The Pyramid Model in Early Childhood: Assessment and Intervention - Part 2
Presented by Pamelazita Buschbacher, EdD, CCC-SLP
Course: #2052Level: Intermediate2.02 Hours
This second part of a two-part series for clinicians builds on the previous presentation regarding communication delays in children with emotional/behavioral challenges; it focuses on the Pyramid Model's third tier, which requires more intensive, individualized assessment and intervention for challenging behaviors, emphasizing how clinicians can play a vital role by conducting functional behavioral assessments to develop hypothesis statements and positive behavior support plans that focus on building developmentally appropriate communication and social interaction skills.

The Pyramid Model in Early Childhood: Improving Social Emotional Competence and Reducing Challenging Behaviors - Part 1
Presented by Pamelazita Buschbacher, EdD, CCC-SLP
Course: #2050Level: Introductory2.02 Hours
Challenging behaviors in young children are often met with exclusion from settings considered essential for development. However, when correctly set up, community, school, and therapy environments can facilitate growth when employing supportive, evidence-based methods. This course explains the Pyramid Model, an approach promoting social-emotional skills acquisition to minimize problematic behaviors in children 18 months to 7 years old.

Working with Challenging Parents in Child Therapy
Presented by Katie Fries, MSW, LCSW
Course: #1991Level: Intermediate1.02 Hours
Having an understanding of the underlying emotions and concerns that contribute to behavior that clinicians commonly find challenging to deal with when working with children in therapy is essential. This webinar explores how clinicians can use insight, empathy, and self-awareness to promote positive and effective parental involvement when working with children and parent/child relationship challenges in therapy.

Self-awareness and Equity Work in Child and Family Services
Presented by Alison D. Peak, LCSW, IMH-E
Course: #1968Level: Intermediate1.02 Hours
Conversations of equity and racial injustice are present in our work and daily interactions with the larger world. The social work code of ethics has long identified social justice and recognition of systems of oppression as core values of the profession. This course examines the intersection of equity work and services to children, youth, and families. In addition, this course considers the role of self-awareness in equity work. It discusses how recognition of systemic injustices, systemic oppression, and historical traumas impact the day-to-day services provided to and received by children and families.

Permission from Children: The Ethics of Consent versus Assent
Presented by Allan Barsky, JD, MSW, PhD
Course: #1895Level: Advanced1.12 Hours
When clients lack the legal capacity to provide consent due to their age or mental condition, social workers obtain consent for services from parents, guardians, or others who have the legal authority to provide permission on their behalf. This webinar delves into the concept of “assent,” including why, whether, and how to obtain permission from clients when they lack decision-making capacity.

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