Continued Social Work Phone: 866-419-0818

Exam Preview

Documentation in Social Work for Private Practitioners

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1.  SMART stands for:
  1. Silly, Measurable, Angry, Real, and Tangential
  2. Specific, Measurable, Achievable (or attainable), Relevant, and Timely
  3. Specific, Marketable, Achievable, Remarkable, and Timely
  4. Stellar, Measurable, Amicable, Relatable, and Timely
2.  Social Workers should ____________________, when it comes to documentation.
  1. include sufficient and timely documentation in records to facilitate the delivery of services and to ensure continuity of services provided to clients in the future.
  2. listen to clients
  3. take notes while in session
  4. use acronyms
3.  Looking for themes and patterns can help with:
  1. Identifying clients
  2. Billing
  3. Case conceptualization and creating treatment plans
  4. Case Management
4.  Social Work documentation can be looked at for:
  1. Disability Assessments/Status
  2. Interpretation
  3. Training
  4. None of the above
5.  Medical necessity is defined as :
  1. Whatever we want
  2. What the client thinks is best
  3. Something prescribed by a MD
  4. Healthcare services that a provider, using clinical judgment, would provide to a patient for the purpose of evaluating, diagnosing or treating an illness/disease
6.  Progress notes should notate:
  1. Duration
  2. Place
  3. Time
  4. All of the above
7.  Progress notes should show:
  1. If a client was crying
  2. The clinical intervention used and the clients response
  3. Every single thing the client said
  4. How much the client owes for a co-pay
8.  Treatment plans should be:
  1. Easy
  2. Long
  3. Have 5 goals
  4. Strengths-based
9.  Section 3.04 of the NASW Code of Ethics states that:
  1. Social workers' documentation should protect clients' privacy to the extent that is possible and appropriate and should include only information that is directly relevant to the delivery of services.
  2. Social workers should complete notes in 24 hours
  3. Social workers are mandated reporters
  4. Social workers have a duty to warn
10.  Which of the following is a component of assessment?
  1. Barriers to treatment
  2. Chief compliant/problem statement
  3. Medical and psychiatric history
  4. All of the above

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