Continued Social Work Phone: 866-419-0818

Exam Preview

Collective Trauma and Building a Trauma-Informed Culture

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1.  When working with parents:
  1. Remember that parents who have experienced trauma are "bad".
  2. Remember that parents who have experienced trauma are not "bad." Blaming or judging them will likely make the situation worse rather than motivating them to change.
  3. Blaming or judging them is effective in motivating them to change.
  4. Remember that parents who have experienced trauma are "unfit."
2.  Parenting a traumatized child may require a shift from seeing a _______ to seeing a kid who has had bad things happen.
  1. “Bad Kid”
  2. “Good kid”
  3. “Defiant kid”
  4. None of the above
3.  When working with parents to support their child, it is important that parents:
  1. Take difficult reactions personally
  2. Assume that things will always go smoothly
  3. Focus on themselves to keep disagreements from becoming personal
  4. Do not take difficult behavior personally
4.  Effective interventions for parents who are parenting a child who has experienced trauma include:
  1. Increasing the child’s feelings of safety.
  2. Teaching the child how to manage emotions especially when faced with trauma triggers.
  3. Helping the child develop a positive view of themself, and giving the child a greater sense of control over their own life
  4. All of the above
5.  ___________ in adults can impact experiences and relationships with others due to experienced feelings of shame, and guilt.
  1. Stress
  2. Trauma
  3. Childhood Trauma
  4. Trauma Care
6.  As a result of past traumatic experiences, parents may:
  1. Trust everyone
  2. Have difficulty keeping themselves and their children safe and healthy. Some are overprotective, while others may not recognize real dangers that can threaten their children.
  3. Become deviant adults
  4. Resort to coping in healthy ways
7.  The SAMHSA’s National Child Traumatic Stress Initiative (NCSTI) reports that by the age of 16, _______ of children report experiencing at least one traumatic event?
  1. one-third
  2. two-thirds
  3. 100%
  4. none of the above
8.  What are a set of strategies/techniques used to help modify behaviors that interfere with a person’s well-being?
  1. Interventions
  2. Therapy
  3. Goals
  4. Treatment
9.  What might be observed in preschool children?
  1. Increase in activity level
  2. Regression in previously mastered stages of development
  3. Emotional numbing
  4. Avoidance behaviors
10.  What might be observed in school age children?
  1. Regression in previously mastered stages of development
  2. Difficulty at naptime or bedtime
  3. Increase in impulsivity, risk-taking behavior
  4. Recreating the event (e.g., repeatedly talking about, “playing” out, or drawing the event)
11.  What might be observed in teenagers?
  1. Regression in previously mastered stages of development
  2. Difficulty at bedtime
  3. Increase in impulsivity, risk-taking behavior
  4. Recreating the event
12.  All children, regardless of background, need to feel_____.
  1. loved
  2. good
  3. safe
  4. important
13.  ___________ shape behavior and may make a child appear angry, depressed, checked out, uncooperative, or distracted
  1. Hormones
  2. Toxic levels of stress and anxiety
  3. Bad moods
  4. School performance
14.  Despite the heavy emphasis of trauma - informed among clinical staff, it is equally important that _______ staff are given a basic knowledge of trauma - informed care principles.
  1. hospital
  2. nonclinical
  3. clinical
  4. frontline
15.  __________ is a natural reaction. It is our own emotional reaction to the helplessness, fear, and hopelessness that other people who have experienced trauma often feel.
  1. Vicarious trauma
  2. Emotional stress
  3. Being overwhelmed
  4. Countertransference
16.  _______of children and adolescents have been exposed to crime, violence and abuse either directly or indirectly.
  1. 60%
  2. 50%
  3. 40%
  4. 30%
17.  What are the the strategies that strengthen trauma-informed care practices?
  1. Strengths-based attitudes and relationship-based practices
  2. Reflective practice
  3. Reflective supervision
  4. All of the above
18.  How can you support staff in a trauma informed environment?
  1. Require less hours
  2. Plan regular self-care and mindfulness training
  3. Promote flexible ways of communicating
  4. B and C only
19.  Countertransference:
  1. When the provider transfers their feelings onto the client
  2. When the client transfers their feelings onto the provider
  3. Can occur in many different ways and have adverse effects.
  4. A and C only
  5. B and C only
20.  _____________ is an ongoing conversation between a staff member and a supervisor.
  1. Reflective supervision
  2. Strengths-based attitudes and relationship-based practices
  3. Reflective Practice
  4. None of the above
21.  ___________ are a set of strategies/techniques used to help modify behaviors that interfere with a person’s well-being.
  1. Interventions
  2. Goals
  3. Therapy goals
  4. None of the above
22.  Interventions can be used by:
  1. Clinical staff only
  2. Clinical and nonclinical staff
  3. Nonclinical Staff, Teachers/School Professionals, and Clinicians/Therapists
  4. Teachers only
23.  What is the first Principle of Trauma-informed care?
  1. Peer Support
  2. Safety
  3. Trustworthiness and transparency
  4. Empowerment, voice, and choice
24.  ______ starts with an understanding of how trauma can impact learning and behavior.
  1. Trauma Support
  2. Trauma Support Group
  3. Trauma-Informed Care
  4. Trauma-informed Teaching
25.  ____________ is an evidence-based treatment program intended to help children and their families deal with the aftermath of a traumatic experience.
  1. Trauma-Focused Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
  2. Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
  3. Reflective Practice
  4. Strengths-based attitudes and relationship-based practices

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