Continued Social Work Phone: 866-419-0818

Exam Preview

Social Work Practice and Opioid Overdose Outreach Podcast

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1.  What does OOO stand for?
  1. Optional Overdose Outreach
  2. Opiate Overdose Outreach
  3. Opiate Observation Organization
  4. None of the above
2.  The Triple O Program targets what particular epidemic?
  1. Heroin
  2. Cocaine
  3. Opioid
  4. None of the above
3.  What is a main goal of the OOO program?
  1. Harm reduction initiative such as Narcan distribution
  2. Referrals to treatment
  3. Client advocacy
  4. All of the above
4.  What is a challenge in this line of work?
  1. Client Engagement
  2. Working collaboratively with First Responders
  3. Systemic barriers
  4. Support from the public
5.  One role of social workers working in an opioid overdose outreach program is to help reduce:
  1. Stigma
  2. Unemployment
  3. Burnout
  4. None of the above
6.  Social workers are needed in opioid overdose outreach program, in order to achieve:
  1. Integrated care
  2. Compassionate care because other professionals are not compassionate
  3. Intensive care which is required when working with opioid abuse
  4. None of the above
7.  Who makes up the OOO team?
  1. Social Worker and Law Enforcement Officer
  2. Social Worker and Paramedic
  3. Social Worker and Addictions Counselor
  4. None of the above
8.  What is one of the benefits of doing this work through the fire department?
  1. Community trust
  2. Integration of care
  3. Support for treatment of addictions
  4. All of the above
9.  An ideal collaboration or partnership for an opioid overdose outreach program is social workers and:
  1. Parents
  2. Church Leaders
  3. Firefighters/Paramedics
  4. Lawyers
10.  When implementing an opioid overdose outreach program social workers should seek funding through which of the following sources:
  1. State grant funding
  2. Federal grant funding
  3. Community donations and Sponsorships
  4. All of the above

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