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Exam Preview

Involuntary Hospitalization: Ethical Considerations for Social Workers

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1.  What is an involuntary hold?
  1. The involuntary holding of a person with mental illness who are deemed to be an imminent risk to themselves or others or are gravely disabled by mental illness.
  2. The social contract for a government to protect and provided for its citizens.
  3. The involuntary holding of a person with mental illness and substance abuse who are deemed to be a high risk to being harming themselves or society.
  4. The social contract for a state to protect itself from citizens.
2.  In what year was the last update to the District of Columbia Mental Health Civil Commitment Modernization Act?
  1. 2005
  2. 2010
  3. 2004
  4. 2013
3.  Which two federal policies helped with the development of the District of Columbia Mental Health Civil Commitment Modernization Act?
  1. The Civil Rights of Institutionalized Person Act and Fair Housing Act
  2. The Civil Rights of Institutionalized Person Act and Americans with Disabilities Act
  3. The Civil Rights of Institutionalized Person Act and Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
  4. The Civil Rights of Institutionalized Person Act and Americans with Mental Health Needs Act
4.  What percentage of Americans struggle with mental health issues?
  1. 15%
  2. 5%
  3. 30%
  4. 20%
5.  Why is competency on involuntary hospitalization an issue for social workers?
  1. A social worker may be the only mental health professional available.
  2. A social worker is the only one able to write an involuntary hold.
  3. A social worker may be the only masters level provider in a hospital.
  4. A social worker is the only professional with a code of ethics.
6.  Which of the following is a challenge with the policies by CSWE and NASW on competency?
  1. The language is complicated.
  2. The language is vague.
  3. The language lacks ways to implement changes.
  4. The language only talks about education implications not practice implications.
7.  Who is responsible for a social worker’s competency in their practice area?
  1. NASW and CSWE
  2. The university where they were educated
  3. State regulatory boards
  4. The social worker
8.  Which ethical standards apply to involuntary hospitalization?
  1. Service and Social Justice
  2. Dignity and Worth of a Person and Integrity
  3. Importance of Human Relationships and Competency
  4. All of the above
9.  Which states have the exact same laws relating to involuntary hospitalization?
  1. None, there is no consistency across states
  2. Kansas, Ohio, and Idaho
  3. States with a population of 4 million or less have the same laws
  4. States that share a border must have the same laws
10.  Why are social workers able to support policy change?
  1. Social work is a highly valued degree and legislatures will listen when they talk.
  2. Social workers spend a significant portion of their practice learning how to effectively get people to do what they want.
  3. Social workers can provide information to help legislatures and communities understand the social problems.
  4. Social workers are the only ones who understand how communities are affected by policies.