Continued Social Work Phone: 866-419-0818

Exam Preview

Part 2: Examining the Foster Care to Prison Pipeline

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1.  Nearly _____ of youth in foster care will be incarcerated within two years of leaving care.
  1. 25%
  2. 50%
  3. 75%
  4. None of the above
2.  Roughly ___ of youth with 5+ placements will end up in the juvenile justice system at some point.
  1. 30%
  2. 50%
  3. 90%
  4. None of the above
3.  Nearly _____ of crossover youth will be involved with the criminal justice system by the time they reach adulthood.
  1. 30%
  2. 57%
  3. 75%
  4. None of the above
4.  Which of the following groups of youth are more vulnerable to placement disruption and instability in foster care?
  1. Youth with an LGBTQ+ identity
  2. Youth with a complex trauma history
  3. Youth of color
  4. All of the above
5.  Only ___% of youth in foster care with three or more placements will reunite with their family of origin.
  1. 3
  2. 5
  3. 10
  4. 15
6.  Youth in foster care do not remember the trauma. They _________ the coping mechanisms and adaptations.
  1. repress
  2. relive
  3. reimagine
  4. none of the above
7.  Intervention should be based on a youth’s level of _____________.
  1. remorse
  2. resiliency
  3. regulation
  4. righting reflex
8.  __________ are mundane and ordinary things that a child can experience that serve as evocative internal cues that can initiate re-experiencing of trauma.
  1. Emotional regulation
  2. Trauma triggers
  3. Limbic system
  4. All of the above
9.  ___________ is a youth’s susceptibility to be wounded.
  1. Vulnerability
  2. Adversity
  3. Trauma triggers
  4. None of the above
10.  Children prefer the certainty of misery to the misery of __________.
  1. foster care
  2. trauma triggers
  3. uncertainty
  4. none of the above

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