Exam Preview
Exam Preview
Part 2: Examining the Foster Care to Prison Pipeline
Please note: exam questions are subject to change.
1. Nearly _____ of youth in foster care will be incarcerated within two years of leaving care.
2. Roughly ___ of youth with 5+ placements will end up in the juvenile justice system at some point.
3. Nearly _____ of crossover youth will be involved with the criminal justice system by the time they reach adulthood.
4. Which of the following groups of youth are more vulnerable to placement disruption and instability in foster care?
5. Only ___% of youth in foster care with three or more placements will reunite with their family of origin.
6. Youth in foster care do not remember the trauma. They _________ the coping mechanisms and adaptations.
7. Intervention should be based on a youth’s level of _____________.
8. __________ are mundane and ordinary things that a child can experience that serve as evocative internal cues that can initiate re-experiencing of trauma.
9. ___________ is a youth’s susceptibility to be wounded.
10. Children prefer the certainty of misery to the misery of __________.