Continued Social Work Phone: 866-419-0818

Exam Preview

Pain & Symptom Management in Behavioral Health and Medical Settings

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1.  The following are different categories of pain EXCEPT:
  1. Chronic/persistent
  2. Acute
  3. Crushing
  4. Acute on Chronic
2.  Catastrophizing behavior is characterized by:
  1. positivity
  2. optimism
  3. helplessness
  4. none of the above
3.  The following are opioid receptors EXCEPT:
  1. Mu
  2. Delta
  3. Alpha
  4. Kappa
4.  Which of the following is a CDC recommendation to treat acute pain?
  1. Start with opioid medications
  2. Encourage non-pharmacological therapies
  3. Prescribe the highest dose possible during the initial onset of pain
  4. Encourage people with substance use disorder to not take any medication for pain.
5.  A descriptor of nociceptive pain is:
  1. Tender
  2. Shooting
  3. Prickling
  4. Unbearable
6.  What percentage of American adults misuse opioids each year?
  1. 1.1%
  2. 3.4%
  3. 5.2%
  4. 10%
7.  Setting realistic expectations are:
  1. time-consuming
  2. important
  3. a poor use of clinician time
  4. ineffective
8.  Which of the following is NOT an example of misusing opioids?
  1. Taking the medicine in a way or dose other than prescribed
  2. Taking a medication as prescribed
  3. Taking the medicine for the effect it causes- to get high
  4. Taking someone else’s prescription medicine
9.  Multimodal pain management therapy is:
  1. Not an effective method manage pain
  2. Uses only pharmacological treatment
  3. Emphasizes combination therapy to effectively treat pain
  4. Requires the use of opioid medication
10.  Non-pharmacologic pain interventions:
  1. Do not allow the patient to play an active role in their care
  2. Can be used in combination with pharmacological therapy
  3. Are not tailored to the patient’s diagnosis
  4. Are ineffective in managing pain
11.  The most used illicit drug is:
  1. Heroine
  2. Cocaine
  3. Marijuana
  4. Methamphetamine
12.  Restorative therapies include all items EXCEPT:
  1. Transcutaneous electric nerve stimulation (TENS)
  2. Therapeutic ultrasound
  3. Opioid medication
  4. Cold and heat
13.  ___________ is NOT a behavioral health approach to pain management:
  1. Cognitive Behavior Therapy
  2. Pacing
  3. Mindfulness-based stress reduction
  4. Self-regulatory approaches
14.  Increased understanding of the biopsychosocial model of pain:
  1. reduces stigma and enhances awareness of all aspects of pain
  2. increases health care costs
  3. limits approaches to pain management
  4. should not be a priority for behavioral health clinicians
15.  High-impact chronic pain:
  1. has no identified risk factors
  2. is not a pain category
  3. considers how pain limits work, social, and personal activities
  4. is the same as chronic pain

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