Continued Social Work Phone: 866-419-0818

Exam Preview

Positive Psychology

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1.  Dana believes that if she focuses on negative thoughts, that this will help her to not be disappointed if what she really wants does not come to fruition. Dana is showing an example of
  1. Positive Psychology
  2. Intersectionality
  3. Psychological Safety
  4. A Negative Outlook
2.  Morgan believes that whatever happens, happens through them and not to them. Morgan is attempting to _________ .
  1. Avoid being in a negative mindset
  2. Shift blame
  3. Disengage
  4. Question relationships
3.  After a bad day at work, George finds out that he has a flat tire on his car. When he returns home later than usual, he finds that his dog made a mess in the house. All of these bad things could put George in a bad mood. Instead, he is able to __________ and put himself in a better mood by realizing that tomorrow, things can get better.
  1. Yell at his boss
  2. Tell his dog that he did a bad thing
  3. Refocus
  4. Drink heavily
4.  Jordan has two options for how to proceed with their career. They’ve been offered an intriguing job opportunity at a company that they admire doing work that they enjoy. The salary is not exactly what they envisioned, but it would allow them to walk away from an opportunity at ABC Company that does not offer growth but pays handsomely. Jordan now knows that they have a ________ to make for their future.
  1. Choice
  2. Rule
  3. Memo
  4. Dilemma
5.  An example of Positive Psychology is
  1. A negative outlook
  2. Using positive affirmations
  3. Using curse words
  4. Dwelling on bad hypothetical situations
6.  When you do not use Positive Psychology, your outlook may be
  1. Indifferent
  2. Joyous
  3. Avoidant
  4. Pessimistic
7.  To be optimistic, one must
  1. Focus on the negatives
  2. Allow others to make decisions for us
  3. Focus on seeing the glass half full
  4. Wish bad for others
8.  Refocusing our thoughts allows us to
  1. Regain control of our mind
  2. Make more room for negative emotions
  3. Continuously vent to others
  4. Quit things that challenge us
9.  Life has many ups and downs, but how we handle those changes are up to __________.
  1. Our spouse
  2. Our jobs
  3. Us
  4. Aliens
10.  We do not have control what happens in life, but we do have control over our ___________.
  1. Parents
  2. Kids
  3. Friends
  4. Reactions

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