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Exam Preview

The Effects of Social Media Use: A Review of Ethical, Clinical, and Supervisory Considerations

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1.  Which website/app can be considered social media?
  1. Psychology Today
  2. Forbes
  3. “X”
  4. Chat GPT
2.  Which website/app can be considered the first social media platform?
  1. Six Degrees
  2. The Facebook
  3. Myspace
  4. Club Penguin
3.  Why do people utilize social media?
  1. To “dissociate”
  2. Debate with others
  3. Practice mindfulness
  4. None of the above
4.  Based on the course, social media is a form of:
  1. Financial capital
  2. Social capital
  3. Mental illness
  4. Mental health prevention
5.  Who utilizes social media the most?
  1. Southeast Asia
  2. People over 60
  3. Nigeria
  4. LGBTQ+ people
6.  Identify a positive side effect of using social media:
  1. “Echo chamber” effect
  2. Development of para-social relationships
  3. Social Engagement
  4. Participation in “cancel culture”
7.  How can social media influence a person’s confidence or sense of self?
  1. Elevate sense of self-importance
  2. Increase offline isolation and loneliness
  3. Heighten tendency for social comparison
  4. Gender identity changes
8.  Identify one way social media can influence close relationships
  1. Social division and tension
  2. “Ghosting”
  3. Physical closeness
  4. Increase problem-solving skills
9.  Parasocial relationships are described as providing all of the following experiences for individuals except:
  1. Promoting personal attitudes and behaviors
  2. Promoting personal growth and development
  3. Enhancing a sense of connection and community
  4. Promoting deep emotional bonds
10.  How does witnessing violent imagery on social media apps impact users?
  1. Disinterest or disgust
  2. Decrease in social media utilization
  3. Increase in violent behavior offline
  4. Vicarious trauma
11.  How much social media usage is detrimental to a person’s well-being?
  1. One or more hours
  2. When it impacts their functioning and ability to participate in offline life
  3. Four or more hours
  4. 20 minutes or less
12.  How can excessive social media use be similar to other addictive behaviors?
  1. Its effects on the dopamine reward system
  2. The ability to abstain or distance from the substance
  3. Physiological changes
  4. Risk of death
13.  Identify one way to assess your client’s social media use:
  1. Wait until the client brings it up
  2. Ask them to show you their phone
  3. Gently inquire in the first few sessions about client’s online life
  4. Consistently ask to hear about client’s online interactions
14.  How might a client symbolize their emotional experience through social media?
  1. Avoid talking about social media
  2. Discuss TV shows or other media
  3. Change the topic
  4. Emphasize how symbols, e.g., emojis, or trending images are used
15.  Name an intervention to utilize when clients are experiencing distress due to their social media presence or use:
  1. Challenge client to disable their profile
  2. Provide empathic reflection and collaborate with client to approach their usage with boundaries and self-care strategies
  3. Downplay significance of client’s distress
  4. Convince the client that online experiences are not “real”

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