Exam Preview
Exam Preview
The Ethics of Fidelity in Mental Health Practice: Living Up to Our Primary Duty to Clients
Please note: exam questions are subject to change.
1. The concept of “fidelity” in mental health practice refers to:
2. Why is it important for mental health professionals to follow through on commitments to clients?
3. To whom do mental health professionals owe an ethical duty of care?
4. When mental health professionals are working with a family as their client system, they should prioritize the welfare of:
5. When a therapeutic group has members with conflicting interests, the facilitator should:
6. When an employer asks a mental health professional to do something that is not in their client’s best interests, the mental health professional should:
7. Sharona, a clinical social worker, has a client who says he hates Sharona’s coworker and is thinking about slashing her car tires. Ethically, what is the FIRST step that Sharona take in response to this disclosure?
8. Mandy is a mental health counselor who works at a clinic that is mandated to provide short-term counseling, with a maximum of 6 sessions. One of her clients is still experiencing mental distress after 6 sessions and Mandy believes the client needs at least 2 additional sessions. Ethically, Mandy should:
9. Javier is a psychologist providing therapy to a 15-year-old named Chance. Chance informs Javier that she is experiencing a lot of anxiety because she thinks she is lesbian and is afraid to tell her parents. At the outset of counseling, Chance and her parents had agreed that the parents would have access to important information about Chance’s mental health, including access to Javier’s case notes. Chance tells Javier not to document anything about her thoughts about being lesbian. Ethically, Javier should:
10. Rennie is a family counselor who has been working with a couple, Jan and Will, for 8 months. Jan texts Rennie to advise that she won’t be returning for counseling because she is planning to move out of the country with her 2-year-old child. She says that Will is very upset so he may need individual therapy. Ethically, Rennie should: