Continued Counseling Phone: 866-970-4840

Meet the experts

Our Team

The robust Continued Counseling course library is developed and overseen by an experienced team of behavioral health professionals and industry professionals.

Continued behavioral health group managing editor Katie Kirk

Katie Kirk


Group Managing Editor, Behavioral Health

Continued behavioral health managing editor Katrinna Matthews

Katrinna Matthews


Managing Editor, Social Work

Continued Counselor CE administrator Olivia Walliser

Olivia Walliser

CE Administrator

Continued Counselor Assistant Director, CEU Administration Chelsea Richardson

Chelsea Richardson


Assistant Director, CEU Administration

Continued Counselor instructional technology coordinator Caitlin Grefe

Caitlin Grefe

Continuing Education Producer

Featured Presenters

The instructors and guest editors who present our counseling courses are skilled experts in topics such as ethics, mental health and trauma.

Presenter: Stephanie Carnes PhD, MSW, LCSW, LL.M

Dr. Stephanie Carnes, LCSW, LL.M is a bilingual social worker/PhD with over a decade of clinical, research, and advocacy experience in culturally responsive and sustaining education and mental health. In her clinical work, she primarily worked with Central American immigrant youth, first in a federally funded shelter program and subsequently at a large public high school in New York’s Westchester County. As a consultant, she regularly works with school districts and community organizations to provide professional development on culturally responsive education and supporting the development of policies and practices to support newcomer immigrant students. Additionally, she has conducted extensive research on interdisciplinary collaboration and burnout in public schools and works closely with schools to help professionals and educators develop personalized “toolkits” for effective self-care. Dr. Carnes is a member of the School Social Workers Association of America (SSWAA) National Working Group on SEL, an advisory board shaping school social work policy. She frequently authors peer-reviewed articles related to culturally responsive education and mental health with refugee and immigrant youth.

Presenter: Aaron Gillespie PsyD

Aaron Gillespie, PsyD is a psychologist living in the beautiful state of Colorado. He earned graduate degrees in mental health counseling and clinical psychology from the University of Texas at San Antonio and the University of Denver. During his time at the University of Denver, he specialized in trauma and recovery, while both advocating for and developing a comprehensive, trauma-focused course for mental health graduate programs.

Dr. Gillespie is deeply motivated to empower students and clinicians with the education, training, and resources needed to engage safely, meaningfully, and effectively with their clients. Further, he is passionate about working with trauma survivors, which for the last 10 years, has impelled him to pursue focused training, employment, and supervision opportunities within a spectrum of clinical and theoretical backgrounds across various contexts. His goal is to better connect with and empower individuals across the lifespan struggling to integrate overwhelming experiences, and ultimately, attain relief from the grips of traumatic stress. A pursuit that is both challenging and deeply rewarding.

During his free time, he enjoys backpacking, reading, exercising, and more than anything, spending quality time with friends and family. 

Presenter: Michael Hoffman PhD, MS, LCP

Dr. Michael Hoffman completed his Ph.D. through the University of Miami Clinical Psychology program and his pediatric psychology residency and fellowship through Nemours/AI duPont Hospital for Children. Currently, Dr. Hoffman is a Pediatric Psychologist at Nemours/AI duPont Hospital for Children with a specialization in working with children with hearing loss. His research and clinical work centers on integrating psychological services into multidisciplinary clinics, including the Audiology, ENT, and cleft palate/craniofacial services, to improve quality of life in children and adolescents with medical complexity.  

Advisory Board

Continued Counseling benefits from the expertise of a distinguished Advisory Board, which provides topic-specific content in the development of the course library.

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