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What are Some Examples of Professional Development Topics That Help Build Community and Trust Across School Teams?

Kati Vaughn, BA, MA

December 30, 2019



What are some examples of professional development topics that help build community and trust across school teams?


What does it look like to have professional development that builds relational trust, that offers opportunities for teachers to connect and feel like valued members of the community? I think those topics fall into three outcomes. The first one is self and other awareness. It's important to acknowledge that who we are and where we come from impacts how we operate at work. It impacts how we navigate conflict, and how we communicate. Make time for people to reflect on their identity markers, their strengths, and their areas for growth. It not only builds important reflective muscles as we understand ourselves but also allows for staff members to go deep and get to know each other more fully. The second topic or outcome that I would shoot for is emotional intelligence and resilience. There are many assessments available relating to emotional intelligence. Have teachers do a self-assessment and identify their strengths, what they're really good at in terms of managing or expressing their emotions. Figure out where they want to grow. Then, set goals around regulating, managing, and expressing those emotions.  The third outcome would be cultural competence. I like the phrase, "You need my differences and I need yours." Our cultural background includes how we were raised, what was modeled for us, what was reinforced or taught, and what helped us be successful growing up. All these factors influence how we operate as part of a team, as leaders, and how we build relationships. We have to be able to recognize similarities and differences with the people around us in order to effectively work as a team. Do a Google search for resources in these areas for professional development to help you build an inclusive school climate.

This Ask the Expert is an edited excerpt from the course, Thriving Teachers, Thriving Centers: Improving Teacher Satisfaction and Reducing Turnover, in partnership with Region 9 Head Start Association, by Kati Vaughn, MA.

kati vaughn

Kati Vaughn, BA, MA

Kati's path to founding Stay the Course has been fueled by a lifelong passion for teaching and leading in the classroom. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in Psychology from Harvard University and a Master’s degree in Early Childhood Education from Loyola Marymount University. She brings a decade of teaching, coaching, and management experience with an emphasis on equity and inclusiveness, a career that began as a corps member with Teach For America. Over 7 years of working directly with school-based staff in Washington, D.C., she averaged a teacher retention rate of 94%, and consistently rated higher than regional and national averages on measures of teacher satisfaction and healthy mindsets. In addition to her coaching work, she has led numerous professional learning experiences focused on culturally responsive teaching, educator wellness, and values-based leadership.

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