What are some key things to do to have cultural competence?
We can mitigate diversity issues with effective communication by listening, clarifying, and taking the time to think before speaking. Here are some key ideas to help us do that. These are what we'll call keys to cultural competence.
- Respect others’ opinions.
- Acknowledge cultural/generational differences and historical injustices without becoming defensive.
- Be open to learning about other cultures and ideas.
- Give others the benefit of the doubt in a dispute.
- Seek first to understand others’ points of view; then to be understood.
- Don’t stereotype.
- Don’t judge others by your own cultural standards.
- Don’t assume your culture’s way is the only way.
- Don’t talk down to anyone; communicate effectively.
It's interesting because these particular concepts sound a lot like what we do in the classroom with children. For example, we teach respecting the opinion of others, acknowledging differences, being open to learning from others, and giving the benefit of the doubt in a dispute. We teach these skills to our children about how to communicate effectively and they are also being mirrored here.
This Ask the Expert is an edited excerpt from the course, Fundamentals of Human Resources: Non-Managerial Early Childhood Staff, by Katie Ryan Fotiadis, MS.