What are the types of bullying?
- Physical
- Verbal
- Nonverbal
- Direct
- Indirect
There are three types of bullying behavior: verbal, physical, and nonverbal. In addition to that, these behaviors can either be direct or indirect. Indirect behaviors are more difficult to identify than direct bullying behaviors. Let me give you some specific examples of each category.
Direct Bullying
- Hitting
- Kicking
- Shoving
- Spitting
Indirect Bullying
- Getting Another Person to Assault Someone
When we refer to direct bullying physical behaviors we're talking about hitting, kicking, shoving, and spitting. Indirect bullying physical behaviors occur when the individual gets somebody else to assault the other child.
Direct Bullying
- Taunting
- Racial Slurs
- Verbal or Sexual Harassment
Indirect Bullying
- Spreading Rumors
Direct verbal bullying behaviors include taunting, using racial slurs, and verbally or sexually harassing others. Indirect verbal bullying behaviors, which is something that is very popular with children, includes spreading rumors.
Direct Bullying
- Threatening
- Obscene Gestures
Indirect Bullying
- Deliberate Exclusion from a Group or Activity
Direct, nonverbal bullying behavior includes threatening or using your body to physically threaten somebody else or using obscene gestures. Indirect nonverbal bullying behavior, which I have discovered is very popular even with young children, is deliberate exclusion from a group or activity. For example, when a child says, "You are not my friend" or, "You cannot play with us" or, "You cannot sit here." This is a very common behavior we see with young children.
This Ask the Expert is an edited excerpt from the course, Bully Proofing Your Early Childhood Program, in partnership with Region 9 Head Start Association, by William DeMeo, PhD.