The following courses on Continued Early Childhood Education may be used toward Ohio child care licensing requirements, as well as Ohio Professional Registry and Step Up To Quality requirements. To align courses with Ohio Approved status, members must submit their certificates of completion to the Ohio Professional Registry.
If you are looking for courses to meet your state teacher licensing requirements, please refer to your state department of education for information on acceptable courses.
1/early-childhood-education/ece-ceus/course/edible-engineering-using-stem-based-32251Edible Engineering Using STEM-Based Recipes,in partnership with Region 9 Head Start AssociationExplore engaging, food-based activities and recipes that build Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math skills (STEM), while encouraging creativity, innovation, and collaboration (21st-century skills), presented in partnership with Region 9 Head Start Association's Training West.auditory, textual, visual99USDSubscriptionUnlimited COURSE Access for $99/yearOnlineOnlyContinued Early Childhood Engineering Using STEM-Based Recipes,in partnership with Region 9 Head Start AssociationExplore engaging, food-based activities and recipes that build Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math skills (STEM), while encouraging creativity, innovation, and collaboration (21st-century skills), presented in partnership with Region 9 Head Start Association's Training West.32251OnlinePT60M
Explore engaging, food-based activities and recipes that build Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math skills (STEM), while encouraging creativity, innovation, and collaboration (21st-century skills), presented in partnership with Region 9 Head Start Association's Training West.
2/early-childhood-education/ece-ceus/course/toys-for-infants-and-young-32229Toys for Infants and Young ChildrenThe value of play and appropriate toys for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers is discussed, as well as toy safety considerations.auditory, textual, visual99USDSubscriptionUnlimited COURSE Access for $99/yearOnlineOnlyContinued Early Childhood for Infants and Young ChildrenThe value of play and appropriate toys for infants, toddlers, and preschoolers is discussed, as well as toy safety considerations.32229OnlinePT60M
3/early-childhood-education/ece-ceus/course/activities-to-strengthen-executive-function-32199Activities to Strengthen Executive Function in the ClassroomIdentify executive function behavioral development by age. Learn classroom instructional strategies that support executive function development and toys and games that strengthen these skills in young children.auditory, textual, visual99USDSubscriptionUnlimited COURSE Access for $99/yearOnlineOnlyContinued Early Childhood to Strengthen Executive Function in the ClassroomIdentify executive function behavioral development by age. Learn classroom instructional strategies that support executive function development and toys and games that strengthen these skills in young children.32199OnlinePT60M
Identify executive function behavioral development by age. Learn classroom instructional strategies that support executive function development and toys and games that strengthen these skills in young children.
4/early-childhood-education/ece-ceus/course/family-educational-rights-and-privacy-32228Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) for Early Childhood ProvidersReceive an overview of FERPA including practical advice regarding the regulation of FERPA. Also learn ways in which this federal law affects your practice when working with children in early childhood.auditory, textual, visual99USDSubscriptionUnlimited COURSE Access for $99/yearOnlineOnlyContinued Early Childhood Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) for Early Childhood ProvidersReceive an overview of FERPA including practical advice regarding the regulation of FERPA. Also learn ways in which this federal law affects your practice when working with children in early childhood.32228OnlinePT60M
Receive an overview of FERPA including practical advice regarding the regulation of FERPA. Also learn ways in which this federal law affects your practice when working with children in early childhood.
5/early-childhood-education/ece-ceus/course/understanding-challenging-behaviors-and-building-32219Understanding Challenging Behaviors and Building Social-Emotional Skills in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers, in partnership with Region 9 Head Start AssociationThis course will increase understanding of brain development and help guide early childhood professionals to use the best interventions to increase brain development and competency in the areas of self-regulation and social-emotional growth while reducing challenging behaviors. This course is presented in partnership with Region 9 Head Start Association's Training West.auditory, textual, visual99USDSubscriptionUnlimited COURSE Access for $99/yearOnlineOnlyContinued Early Childhood Challenging Behaviors and Building Social-Emotional Skills in Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers, in partnership with Region 9 Head Start AssociationThis course will increase understanding of brain development and help guide early childhood professionals to use the best interventions to increase brain development and competency in the areas of self-regulation and social-emotional growth while reducing challenging behaviors. This course is presented in partnership with Region 9 Head Start Association's Training West.32219OnlinePT60M
This course will increase understanding of brain development and help guide early childhood professionals to use the best interventions to increase brain development and competency in the areas of self-regulation and social-emotional growth while reducing challenging behaviors. This course is presented in partnership with Region 9 Head Start Association's Training West.
6/early-childhood-education/ece-ceus/course/ten-guideposts-to-abolish-racial-32213Ten Guideposts to Abolish Racial Bias in Work with Infant and Early Childhood ProvidersLearn ten guideposts to abolish racial bias in professional relationships. A model of communication across racial divides is introduced for infant and early childhood educators and practitioners.auditory, textual, visual99USDSubscriptionUnlimited COURSE Access for $99/yearOnlineOnlyContinued Early Childhood Guideposts to Abolish Racial Bias in Work with Infant and Early Childhood ProvidersLearn ten guideposts to abolish racial bias in professional relationships. A model of communication across racial divides is introduced for infant and early childhood educators and practitioners.32213OnlinePT60M
Learn ten guideposts to abolish racial bias in professional relationships. A model of communication across racial divides is introduced for infant and early childhood educators and practitioners.
7/early-childhood-education/ece-ceus/course/documentation-making-children-s-learning-32214Documentation: Making Children's Learning VisibleLearn how early childhood educators can use the documentation process as a means to understand and make children’s learning visible. The course focuses on the elements of the documentation process for individual children and for a whole group.auditory, textual, visual99USDSubscriptionUnlimited COURSE Access for $99/yearOnlineOnlyContinued Early Childhood Making Children's Learning VisibleLearn how early childhood educators can use the documentation process as a means to understand and make children’s learning visible. The course focuses on the elements of the documentation process for individual children and for a whole group.32214OnlinePT60M
Learn how early childhood educators can use the documentation process as a means to understand and make children’s learning visible. The course focuses on the elements of the documentation process for individual children and for a whole group.
8/early-childhood-education/ece-ceus/course/supporting-gender-diversity-in-early-32216Supporting Gender Diversity in Early ChildhoodLearn about the problematic nature of the gender binary. Be introduced to more inclusive understandings of gender diversity and several strategies you can use to create gender-inclusive early learning environments.auditory, textual, visual99USDSubscriptionUnlimited COURSE Access for $99/yearOnlineOnlyContinued Early Childhood Gender Diversity in Early ChildhoodLearn about the problematic nature of the gender binary. Be introduced to more inclusive understandings of gender diversity and several strategies you can use to create gender-inclusive early learning environments.32216OnlinePT60M
Learn about the problematic nature of the gender binary. Be introduced to more inclusive understandings of gender diversity and several strategies you can use to create gender-inclusive early learning environments.
9/early-childhood-education/ece-ceus/course/pregnancy-101-comprehensive-look-at-32215Pregnancy 101: A Comprehensive Look at the Mother and ChildThis course is designed for non-medical learners to improve their baseline knowledge of fetal development and the birth process.auditory, textual, visual99USDSubscriptionUnlimited COURSE Access for $99/yearOnlineOnlyContinued Early Childhood 101: A Comprehensive Look at the Mother and ChildThis course is designed for non-medical learners to improve their baseline knowledge of fetal development and the birth process.32215OnlinePT360M
AK/6.0; AL/6.0; AZ Registry/6.0; CA Registry/6.0; CO/6.0; CT/6.0; DC PDIS/6.0 Building Family And Community Relationships; DE/6.0; FL/6.0; GaPDS-ASO/6.0; HI/6.0; IA Registry/6.0; IACET/0.6; ID Stars/6.0; IL Gateways/6.0 B345755; IN/6.0; KS/6.0; MA/6.0; ME/6.0; MI Registry/6.0; MN Develop/6.0; MSDE/6.0 CKO-157185, Community; NE/6.0; NH/6.0; NJCCIS/6.0; NV Registry/6.0; NY/6.0; OH/6.0; OK Registry/6.0; OR/6.0; PA Keys/6.0; SD/6.0; TX/6.0; UT/6.0; VA/6.0; VT NLCCV/6.0; WA STARS/6.0; WI Registry/6.0; WY Stars/6.0
10/early-childhood-education/ece-ceus/course/introduction-to-equity-in-early-32206An Introduction to Equity in Early ChildhoodThis course introduces early childhood professionals to the important topic of equity. Participants learn the difference between equity and equality and several strategies they can use to strengthen equity in their work with young children and families.auditory, textual, visual99USDSubscriptionUnlimited COURSE Access for $99/yearOnlineOnlyContinued Early Childhood Introduction to Equity in Early ChildhoodThis course introduces early childhood professionals to the important topic of equity. Participants learn the difference between equity and equality and several strategies they can use to strengthen equity in their work with young children and families.32206OnlinePT60M
This course introduces early childhood professionals to the important topic of equity. Participants learn the difference between equity and equality and several strategies they can use to strengthen equity in their work with young children and families.