Continued Early Childhood Education Phone: 866-727-1617

Exam Preview

Understanding Challenging Behaviors: Practical Tools and Research

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1.  Which of the following did Adler and Dreikurs identify as fundamental to understanding challenging behavior?
  1. The child’s response to punishment and rewards
  2. The success of the individualized behavior modification plan
  3. Belonging and significance
  4. Class rules and consequences
2.  Adler and Dreikurs believed which of the following influences challenging behaviors?
  1. Feelings of inferiority
  2. Birth order
  3. Parenting styles
  4. All of the above
3.  What provides clues to understanding the purpose of challenging behavior?
  1. Using a behavior chart
  2. The child’s response to punishment
  3. Understanding the child’s mistaken belief about how to feel belonging
  4. Classroom interventions
4.  What is the coded message for undue attention?
  1. Misguided power
  2. Biting
  3. Tantrums
  4. I belong only when you pay constant attention to me and/or give me special service
5.  Which of the following is NOT a principle of encouragement?
  1. Recognize effort
  2. Praise
  3. Support skill development
  4. Show faith
6.  Proactive and encouraging tools for undue attention-seeking include which of the following?
  1. Using reminders, coaxing
  2. Time out
  3. Natural consequences
  4. Using tracking and “I notice” statements
7.  Which of the following may help avoid power struggles?
  1. Limited choices
  2. Ask for help
  3. Model mutual respect
  4. All of the above
8.  Which of the following tools is recommended for the fourth goal of misbehavior: avoidance/display of inadequacy?
  1. Break task down to small steps
  2. Focus on negatives
  3. Punishment
  4. Do the task for the child
9.  Which proactive tool helps build community and teach social and emotional skills on a regular basis?
  1. Using a reward chart
  2. Verbal reminders
  3. Class meetings
  4. Behavioral interventions
10.  Superiority, Control, Pleasing, and Comfort are examples of which of the following?
  1. Developmental stages
  2. Personality life style priorities
  3. Goals of misbehavior
  4. Ego defense mechanisms

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