Continued Social Work Phone: 866-419-0818

Exam Preview

Using What We Know About How We Grow: Utilizing Development as an Assessment Tool for Early Childhood Services

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1.  Social-Emotional Development refers to:
  1. A child’s development of “soft skills” such as eye contact and respect
  2. The developmental milestones around relationships, self- regulation, social skills
  3. The curriculum used in schools to decrease bullying
  4. Learning to be kind to others
2.  Infants develop a social smile at approximately:
  1. 6 weeks
  2. 3 months
  3. 6 months
  4. Birth
3.  The development of separation anxiety is important as it indicates:
  1. A child’s lack of social interactions
  2. Early onset anxiety disorders
  3. A child’s awareness of individuals who are safe and dangerous
  4. A child’s fear of new experiences
4.  Which of the following is a structured assessment of child development?
  1. PHQ-9
  2. Beck Depression Inventory
  3. CANS
  4. MCHAT
5.  Which of the following is an unstructured assessment of child development
  1. Ages and Stages
  2. Marshack Interaction Model
  3. GAD-7
  4. Taking notes on parent's report of development
6.  What are the benefits of completing unstructured developmental assessments?
  1. Unstructured assessments are easier to complete
  2. Unstructured assessments don’t require additional training
  3. Unstructured assessments allow for observation of parent-child interactions
  4. Unstructured assessments permit the clinician to set up a controlled
7.  What is the impact of trauma on developmental milestones?
  1. Trauma frequently freezes development at the age the trauma occurred
  2. Resiliency is evidence that trauma is a catalyst to development
  3. Individuals with trauma are always developmentally delayed
  4. Trauma and development are not generally connected
8.  Bruce Perry’s Neurosequential model asserts which of the following?
  1. Trauma is best processed through play
  2. If the neurological impact of trauma can be mapped, then interventions can be tailored to address both trauma and developmental delays
  3. Trauma freezes the neurological sequence and prevents children from meeting relevant milestones
  4. Trauma has neurological impact on development
9.  Dan Hughes’ Developmental Dialectical Psychotherapy discusses which of the following concepts?
  1. Utilizing development is essential in initial assessment
  2. Parents developmental experiences should also be assessed
  3. If expectations for children with trauma are set to their developmental capacity, they will experience success and have a greater likelihood of “catching up” in development
  4. Children with developmental milestones experience trauma differently than neurotypical peers
10.  Which of the following is not a modality for addressing trauma in children?
  1. TF-CBT
  2. DBT
  3. Child-Parent Psychotherapy
  4. Trauma-Based Relational Intervention

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